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Advice To Prospective Students
Message from the Dean to Prospective Students
October 1, 2014
A Levels is arguably one of the most crucial periods of development towards the person you are striving to become. Strong extracurricular involvement will not make up for a weak academic track record. But an existence defined only by academic achievement will leave gaps in your own development in addition to falling short on your obligations to the larger community.
The good news is that Karachi offers many strong A Level programs. The tough part is to pick one that is aligned with your goals and objectives. Thorough research is essential. First off, give a lot of thought to understanding exactly what you want. Be honest with yourself about what is important to you and then figure out the best place to get that. You can find out about any A Level institution by talking to alums of your O Level school who are currently enrolled in that A Level program – what do they like and dislike about their experience. Calling the office of Undergraduate Admissions at Universities of your choice can help you figure out what it is that universities look for in candidates.
There are many ways to find out if Nixor is the right fit for you. Talk to Nixor students and alums. Email Nixor students, alums and administrators. Scour the website. Understand the salient policies. Know the vision, mission and core values of the Nixor Community. Attend information sessions. Visit the campus. Attend the events during ILAN. For questions that your parents might have, bring them to ILAN or have them attend the seminar for Parents of Prospective Students in January, 2015. But remember, life is not only about what you can get. It is also about what you are prepared to give. Try to figure out who can benefit from your skills –how you can make a contribution.
Nixor is certainly not the right answer for every student. The bottomline is that the right choice for A Levels is about the right fit. Regardless of the A Level institution, make a commitment only after you are fully convinced about your choice. Remember, schools need good students as much as you need good schools. Don’t make hasty decisions. Be discriminating in your choice and diligent in your research. I will plan to do the same to ensure the members we choose to add to this community will help it reach its goals.
I look forward to meeting many of you over the coming weeks and months.
Good luck.
Nadeem Ghani
Dean - Nixor College
Best time to apply
Students often ask when it is the best time to apply to Nixor College. Click on the video to watch the Dean, Nadeem Ghani, answer that question.
While grades are a significant factor determining whether a student is a good fit at Nixor College, they are not the only criteria that matter. Along with being a unique A level institution, the Nixor Community is one that values vision, leadership skills, and a strong sense of community. These characteristics are heavily weighted in the selection process and will be assessed both at the face-to-face interview and the in the essay.
The website is a good starting point for students to become familiar with the program offered by Nixor College. However, there are many other ways you can research. Watch the video to find out how else you can learn more about Nixor.
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