Fast Facts (2013 - 2014)
Male:Female ratio
21 %
Students receiving financial aid
Community service hrs
Student managed turnover
Peer-to-peer help hrs
Video Messages
The videos given below have been put together to help prospective students get a better understanding of the program offered by Nixor College.
The Student
Students most likely to succeed at Nixor College will be the ones whose values are aligned with those of this institution. Personal attributes that will enable them to deliver on the school’s mission include the ability to have big dreams, the passion to overcome adversity and the discipline to chisel away at the necessary tasks bit by bit, day by day.
The Community
The Nixor Community is arguably Nixor's biggest asset. Nixor represents a conservative Pakistani culture. The respect that is implicit in the interaction between students and their teachers and administrators is not lost on any member of this community. A clear understanding of this requirement, strong alignment with core values and a common vision and mission allows the members of this community to work closely on all fronts – academic, extracurricular and recreational.
The Philosophy
Nixor espouses a philosophy of diversity, which is achieved through a mixed ability intake as well as a mixed socio economic background. Academics are given utmost priority, while at the same time students are encouraged to engage outside the classroom in structured extracurricular activities. There is a strong emphasis on character, discipline and resourcefulness.