O Levels: The City School (5A*s 3As)
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched,they must be felt with the heart.”
For me, Nixor is not just an ordinary college. It is an institution with its own distinctive norms which contains a completely different world within itself, and a college which runs just like a perfectly organized economy. I think that getting into Nixor was the best academic decision I ever made because it gave broad dimensions to my educational and social life. Its great track record, and the fact that it has the best faculty in the city attracts hundreds of students every year. There was something about this place which my heart felt but was invisible to my eye, and that is what brought me here. For me, Nixor is not just an institution - I see Nixor as an irrevocable condition.
In this short journey with Nixor, I did experience some bumps on the road, but it was the supportive community of Nixor, including the administration and my colleagues, who never let me loose my confidence in myself. The Nixor Community taught me the need to strive for excellence in this competitive world. Nixor Corporate, especially, is a great platform for an individual to get prepared for the real corporate world and gain experience to face challenges in the future. It provided me with an opportunity to explore new extra curricular activities and volunteer opportunities tailored to my personal interests. Voluntary work in different Non-Profit Entities made me realize that social challenges in life are God given and therefore its our responsibility to help those less privileged within our society, who face these challenges.
I’m very happy that I’m taking out two years from my crazy life and living in this imaginary, dreamlike world which Nixor created for me.