O Levels: The C.A.S. School (4As 4Bs)
“If you start by promising what you don't even have yet, you'll lose your desire to work towards getting it.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
“Strive,” yet remains the unchanged meaning of this college. Nixor has created a different and unique perception for many sharks and for the people not studying in it. To me, the main idea of Nixor is to strive. It means to think out of your bubble and to act against your comfort zone. By doing so, success will run towards you. Not walk, not trot, but run. Striving not only teaches you the basic ethics of work but also brings about a very new morale in one’s life.
Perceptually, Nixor accommodates every type of human and comforts all newcomers in its own ways. Nixor was a whole new world, a whole new life for me. Admiring the connections between each individual and the community as a whole was another inimitable factor. For me, a community is a sense of cohesiveness among a group of people. The impact generated from the Nixor community remains endless as an individual as one feels connected and a tender happiness emerges within us. Nixor community provides a psychological world and a place for identification for all sharks.
Working for Nixor corporate for about two years now has changed me. It has taught me; time management, anger management, working hard, prioritizing and most importantly, doing the right thing. Summing ones experiences in Nixor in one paragraph may be a tough job for those individuals who have devoted their hearts and minds in the work to analyze and improve the community with different tasks with their own hands.
For all those prospective sharks, you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. And if you’re going through hell, keep going because after a storm comes a calm. Reading this column may confuse you but note that an everyday routine of a shark varies. After school hours, each shark finds his/her own way of making the best of their time on campus by being involved in either debates, sports or Nixor corporate. Studies remain priority number one immensely for each individual and without that, one cannot find success running towards you. In the end, it is up to an individual himself and the acquired material they take from Nixor to achieve something in the future.